I have mentioned in my blogs before my two year old great nephew, who when he is engrossed in a task often questions "what me doing?" this is just so cute and endearing. It is not cute or endearing when a sixty three year old fellow co. worker (idiot?) asks you this a million times per day, as my fellow co. worker does. Whilst he asks this question he manages to contort his face in to the most hideous expression that completely axasperates me. I am going away this weekend (as it is the only bank holiday weekend this year I have not worked) and I am not returning to work until wednesday. This seems to have affected this fellow co. worker (idot?) very badly. He has to attend a meeting on Tuesday for the test on health and safety previously blogged about, I have arranged cover for me from 8.30 - 5.00 so that's not a problem, but I must have reminded him at least twenty times over the last few days that he needs to be at the venue thirty minutes before his appointment time and his appointment is at 9.30. I just know when I come in on Wednesday he will have forgotton and by then it will be too late.
Today the grumpy subie fitter is a happy subie fitter, some how between the hours of 8.30 and 2.30 yesterday his mood changed completely in to the "chirpie chapie" he was this morning this will be lovely whilst it lasts but I don't know how long this will be.
No updates on the "idiots" available until next Wednesday at the earliest as I am off to recharge my chuckle muscles.
Friday, 28 August 2009
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Nothings changed
It's Thursday and grumpy subie fitter is back in today, and I got wet and argued on Monday for NOTHING all he did today was read his paperwork and then he started moaning. He hasn't even loaded the van or knocked on a door and he's sure the furniture will still be in the room. I talked to the particular customer he was moaning about and even googled the weather for her to encourage her it would be "dryish" so she could put her furniture outside. What more could I have done?
For some unknown reason this week has been really hard going, I spoke to a fellow co. worker today about a Hall Stairs and Landing we fitted on Monday that he had planned, that didn't fit. I told him he had measured 3.60 but planned it at 3.30 (that's linear metres) "oh" was his reply "That plan drew out really well" IT MAY HAVE DRAWN OUT WELL BUT IT DIDN'T FIT.Where's the logic in that? The same fellow co. worker (idiot?) has wandered around all day today telling me he just can't get his head around his work, it's just too much for him, he has to think about too many things at once. This fellow co. worker (idiot?) always winds me right up bigging himself up, telling any one who will listen how clever he is, and what an important job he has. I whish he would make up his mind, because if he was half as clever as he says he is, then it should be no problem. This same fellow co. worker (idiot?) always takes great pride in telling anyone who will listen about his grammar school education, he doesn't tell any of them he didn't take or pass one single exam. When I first started working with this fellow co. worker (idiot?) he still went out occasionally and did a bit of manual work. And on one occasion an installation required a bit of plumbing work "no problem" says he "I used to do plumbing I was really good at it," and so he began. When he came to put two pieces of pipe together they did not fit, did he confess he had made an error and cut the pipe short NO he told two grown men working with him "The pipe has shrunk" we still laugh at his bull***t and he still thinks he's good at plumbing.
For some unknown reason this week has been really hard going, I spoke to a fellow co. worker today about a Hall Stairs and Landing we fitted on Monday that he had planned, that didn't fit. I told him he had measured 3.60 but planned it at 3.30 (that's linear metres) "oh" was his reply "That plan drew out really well" IT MAY HAVE DRAWN OUT WELL BUT IT DIDN'T FIT.Where's the logic in that? The same fellow co. worker (idiot?) has wandered around all day today telling me he just can't get his head around his work, it's just too much for him, he has to think about too many things at once. This fellow co. worker (idiot?) always winds me right up bigging himself up, telling any one who will listen how clever he is, and what an important job he has. I whish he would make up his mind, because if he was half as clever as he says he is, then it should be no problem. This same fellow co. worker (idiot?) always takes great pride in telling anyone who will listen about his grammar school education, he doesn't tell any of them he didn't take or pass one single exam. When I first started working with this fellow co. worker (idiot?) he still went out occasionally and did a bit of manual work. And on one occasion an installation required a bit of plumbing work "no problem" says he "I used to do plumbing I was really good at it," and so he began. When he came to put two pieces of pipe together they did not fit, did he confess he had made an error and cut the pipe short NO he told two grown men working with him "The pipe has shrunk" we still laugh at his bull***t and he still thinks he's good at plumbing.
Monday, 24 August 2009
You just can't win!
Here we are and it's Monday again. And I've decided you will never win an arguement with an "idiot," it just does your head in, it's not like argueing with a normal person.
The grumpy sod subie fitter was still not speaking to me this morning, and I thought to myself I just can't do this any more, so out I went in to the summer sunshine (it was pouring down with rain) to our car park to have a word with him. "oi" says I "how can we possibley work together if you wont speak to me?" He then told me he was too busy to speak to me, and he didn't want to speak to anyone here because he was getting a rawe deal. He was getting all the horrible work, I don't pay him enough, and he thinks he might leave anyway! At the health and safety meeting on Friday he was picked on and it was all so unfair. The miserable sod just can't see over the eight or nine years he has worked here, he has been spoiled to death. After a few raised voices and gesticulations I told him to come to work Thursday / Friday this week and if he doesn't speak to me that's it, in the words of my two year old great nephew "ME CAN DO THIS NO MORE, ME CAN GO NO FURTHER." That two year old boy talks more sense than my fifty two year old fellow co. worker.
As for my fellow co. worker who is a serial mourner, he has informed me he has another funeral he must go to this week, so that's another arguement I can't win, he will just keep finding funerals to go to, so I might as well give up!
The grumpy sod subie fitter was still not speaking to me this morning, and I thought to myself I just can't do this any more, so out I went in to the summer sunshine (it was pouring down with rain) to our car park to have a word with him. "oi" says I "how can we possibley work together if you wont speak to me?" He then told me he was too busy to speak to me, and he didn't want to speak to anyone here because he was getting a rawe deal. He was getting all the horrible work, I don't pay him enough, and he thinks he might leave anyway! At the health and safety meeting on Friday he was picked on and it was all so unfair. The miserable sod just can't see over the eight or nine years he has worked here, he has been spoiled to death. After a few raised voices and gesticulations I told him to come to work Thursday / Friday this week and if he doesn't speak to me that's it, in the words of my two year old great nephew "ME CAN DO THIS NO MORE, ME CAN GO NO FURTHER." That two year old boy talks more sense than my fifty two year old fellow co. worker.
As for my fellow co. worker who is a serial mourner, he has informed me he has another funeral he must go to this week, so that's another arguement I can't win, he will just keep finding funerals to go to, so I might as well give up!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Thinking of the idiots on a Sunday!
I've just been on face book, and a couple of people are nagging me for an update on the "idiots" well today's Sunday and I don't usually have to think much about the "idiots" on a Sunday. But then I got to thinking, so I thought I would dash out a quick blog.
This is an update of another occurrence from Thursday /Friday.
On Thursday one of my fellow co. workers who is a serial mourner told me he thought he should go to a funeral on Friday "no" says I, I am finishing early and I need you to be here because two idiots can be better than one on a Friday afternoon, and he had a "couple of hours off" last Friday that turned out to be over half the day! I in my innocence thought he had taken this on board and it was agreed. So on Friday morning when he walked in wearing a black tie, I thought I've got trouble here he obviously thinks he's off for his free lunch at the wake. Now I know this sounds callous, but it must be the only reason why he thinks he needs to go to all these funerals of people he knew many, many years ago but has not had any contact with since then. "what time you leaving?" he asked me "oh some time between 12 & 1" I reply knowing full well the funeral is at 1 o'clock, and so it went on, him not actually saying I'm going to the funeral, and me knowing I was going to leave when it was too late for him to go anyway. You have to be clever when you work with "idiots." Many years ago unbeknown to me this particular co. worker ("idiot") was married to my dads cousin, but he has been estranged from this family for at least 24 years now, two years ago my dads brother died, and obviously I went to my uncles funeral. The "idiot" decided he should go too. I went early as I thought respectful and was sitting with my parents in the "family" part of the proceedings. The place was really full and all the seats were taken but there was some standing room available. In came the "idiot" he shuffled his way through all the standing people to the row where we were sitting and started to make his way towards ME, he thought after all this time he would be made welcome by the family. After it was all over my parents and I made our way home. The "idiot" went for his free sandwitch!
This is an update of another occurrence from Thursday /Friday.
On Thursday one of my fellow co. workers who is a serial mourner told me he thought he should go to a funeral on Friday "no" says I, I am finishing early and I need you to be here because two idiots can be better than one on a Friday afternoon, and he had a "couple of hours off" last Friday that turned out to be over half the day! I in my innocence thought he had taken this on board and it was agreed. So on Friday morning when he walked in wearing a black tie, I thought I've got trouble here he obviously thinks he's off for his free lunch at the wake. Now I know this sounds callous, but it must be the only reason why he thinks he needs to go to all these funerals of people he knew many, many years ago but has not had any contact with since then. "what time you leaving?" he asked me "oh some time between 12 & 1" I reply knowing full well the funeral is at 1 o'clock, and so it went on, him not actually saying I'm going to the funeral, and me knowing I was going to leave when it was too late for him to go anyway. You have to be clever when you work with "idiots." Many years ago unbeknown to me this particular co. worker ("idiot") was married to my dads cousin, but he has been estranged from this family for at least 24 years now, two years ago my dads brother died, and obviously I went to my uncles funeral. The "idiot" decided he should go too. I went early as I thought respectful and was sitting with my parents in the "family" part of the proceedings. The place was really full and all the seats were taken but there was some standing room available. In came the "idiot" he shuffled his way through all the standing people to the row where we were sitting and started to make his way towards ME, he thought after all this time he would be made welcome by the family. After it was all over my parents and I made our way home. The "idiot" went for his free sandwitch!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Well as previous post, this weeks been all about Health & Safety. We had a consultant come to the office to give us advice and put all the correct procedures in place should they ever be required.
Some of his advice requires that the sub-contractors we use need to do a risk assessment so we can keep it on file, WELL you would think I had asked them to donate a kidney so I could keep it on file not a simple document of the things they do every day!
I phoned them all to tell them what I needed, and I could tell from the luke warm response that this did not go down too well, and I waited to see what the next morning would bring.
One of the subies is a moody sod who doesn't usually speak to the others, well in this instance he made a special effort, and they were an armed force to attack me over the usual morning cuppa. I raised my hands in defeat (not like me at all) but it was 8.30 on a Thursday morning, and off I went to get reinforcements in the shape of the M.D and the other 6'4" tall director should his muscle power be required, and so they squabbled for the next twenty minutes or so, just like school boys, they were raising stupid points: "you must phone the customers two hours before we are due to inform them not to smoke because we will be in their house fitting flooring" have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? and so on and on in went. By 9 0'clock I had, had enough. So informed subies "it's like this: These things are being put in place for your benefit. They are being put in place, and you either do the risk assessment or you don't. NO risk assessment NO WORK." The Moody subie is giving it his consideration, and once again not speaking to me.
Whilst looking around for all the risks we have decided we should have a mass clear up and tidy. One of my fellow co. workers (idot?) has is own office with an extensive library of sampling, this is very over crowded so he decided after a while it should be tidied out.
And so it went:
And then I went to do some photo copying, could you get in through the door? NO he had thrown it all off the shelves and on to the floor.
"Oh" says I "would it not have been better to get a trolley and fill it up so you could push it all out to the skip? his reply was he didn't know we had a trolley.
We have had the trolley for at least two years and it is usually right in your eye line in the delivery unit. Off he went and the trolley was duly filled. The alternative should he not have done this was probably at least twenty to thirty journey's to the skip with as many folder as he could carry in his arms. You decide is this fellow co. worker an idiot?
One of the subies is a moody sod who doesn't usually speak to the others, well in this instance he made a special effort, and they were an armed force to attack me over the usual morning cuppa. I raised my hands in defeat (not like me at all) but it was 8.30 on a Thursday morning, and off I went to get reinforcements in the shape of the M.D and the other 6'4" tall director should his muscle power be required, and so they squabbled for the next twenty minutes or so, just like school boys, they were raising stupid points: "you must phone the customers two hours before we are due to inform them not to smoke because we will be in their house fitting flooring" have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? and so on and on in went. By 9 0'clock I had, had enough. So informed subies "it's like this: These things are being put in place for your benefit. They are being put in place, and you either do the risk assessment or you don't. NO risk assessment NO WORK." The Moody subie is giving it his consideration, and once again not speaking to me.
Whilst looking around for all the risks we have decided we should have a mass clear up and tidy. One of my fellow co. workers (idot?) has is own office with an extensive library of sampling, this is very over crowded so he decided after a while it should be tidied out.
And so it went:
And then I went to do some photo copying, could you get in through the door? NO he had thrown it all off the shelves and on to the floor.
"Oh" says I "would it not have been better to get a trolley and fill it up so you could push it all out to the skip? his reply was he didn't know we had a trolley.
We have had the trolley for at least two years and it is usually right in your eye line in the delivery unit. Off he went and the trolley was duly filled. The alternative should he not have done this was probably at least twenty to thirty journey's to the skip with as many folder as he could carry in his arms. You decide is this fellow co. worker an idiot?
Monday, 17 August 2009
Health and safety
The same as the rest of the world our business is bogged down with health and safety issues. Our boys that work on sites as opposed to domestic situations have to carry a card that states they are qualified to be there and have trained in health and safety issues.
Here are some questions from the training manual:
You must wear head protectoin on site at all times unless you are:
A self emloyed
B working alone
C in a safe area like the office
D working in hot weather
It is safe to work close to an overhead powerline if:
A you do not touch the powerline for more than 30 seconds
B you use a wooden ladder
C the power is switched off
D it is not raining
I don't know how my fellow co. workers (idiots?) will fare with these questions but I know I would select different answers for different co. workers that should eliminate a few of them.
Here are some questions from the training manual:
You must wear head protectoin on site at all times unless you are:
A self emloyed
B working alone
C in a safe area like the office
D working in hot weather
It is safe to work close to an overhead powerline if:
A you do not touch the powerline for more than 30 seconds
B you use a wooden ladder
C the power is switched off
D it is not raining
I don't know how my fellow co. workers (idiots?) will fare with these questions but I know I would select different answers for different co. workers that should eliminate a few of them.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
I can't think of anywhere I would rather be
here I am again it's my Saturday to work.
I did have my breakfast before I got here so the day started quite well. In fact I had my breakfast loaded the washing machine and tumble dryer and got a head start on the day.
At 8.30 the first customer followed me in, GREAT nice order to start the day what more could I want? well I would really like to know which bed room is which, the customer is lucky enough to have a new house that has just been built with four bedrooms, 3 on the back and 1 on the front she tells me. The fellow co worker (idiot?) who measured has written 2 x beds at front of house 2 x beds at rear. Now he will have to go back to the property and ascertain what is what because the customer has ordered different colours for different rooms. WHY DO IDIOTS SPEND SO MUCH TIME DOING EVERYTHING TWICE?
I did have my breakfast before I got here so the day started quite well. In fact I had my breakfast loaded the washing machine and tumble dryer and got a head start on the day.
At 8.30 the first customer followed me in, GREAT nice order to start the day what more could I want? well I would really like to know which bed room is which, the customer is lucky enough to have a new house that has just been built with four bedrooms, 3 on the back and 1 on the front she tells me. The fellow co worker (idiot?) who measured has written 2 x beds at front of house 2 x beds at rear. Now he will have to go back to the property and ascertain what is what because the customer has ordered different colours for different rooms. WHY DO IDIOTS SPEND SO MUCH TIME DOING EVERYTHING TWICE?
Thursday, 13 August 2009
I'm just popping out for a bag of sand!
As I write this blog my fellow co. worker (idot?) who annoys me the most is missing, 25 minutes ago he popped out for a bag of sand I think he must have "popped" to Saudi Arabia to get it.
Now he's back he wants more time off from work, apparently you can only buy bricks on weekdays before 3.45 does that sound right to you? it doesn't to me I'm damn sure you can buy bricks on a Saturday.
Why do some people keep finding excuses not to work? with this particular fellow co. worker (idiot?) it seems to me that he wants work to fit around him, he's always "popping out" or home for this or that I don't think there's a good days work in him.
Now he's back he wants more time off from work, apparently you can only buy bricks on weekdays before 3.45 does that sound right to you? it doesn't to me I'm damn sure you can buy bricks on a Saturday.
Why do some people keep finding excuses not to work? with this particular fellow co. worker (idiot?) it seems to me that he wants work to fit around him, he's always "popping out" or home for this or that I don't think there's a good days work in him.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
What am I doing today?
If I answered that question once yesterday I must have answered it at least twenty times. And then at 3.30 I thought "oh my god where is he?" he's supposed to be at an appointment at 3.45 and I have all the paperwork. so I ring his phone, now I know I'm wasting my time, because he is the only person I know who thinks a mobile phone has to stay in one place and that's the van! Of course he didn't answer it, so I phone the fella he has gone to see, and for some reason he thinks it's funny to wind me up and say he's not there. After a bit I finally get to speak to my fellow co. worker (idiot?) and he says "oh I forgot" and then "well I've got to do this and see so and so before I can leave here" o.k fair enough I give him all details he needs and leave him to it, he can explain to the customers why he's late I think.
After about twenty minutes the phone goes. It's my fellow co. worker (idiot?) he's now on his way, he's late before he starts but hey nothing new there. Has he phoned me to thank me for reminding him about the appointments? NO he's phoned me to tell me his phones flat and the fuel light is on in his van and what will he do if he runs out and breaks down? how did I reply? you ask yourself, it went like this:
He doesn't work Wednesdays so I don't know if he got around and home in one piece I will update you if it's worth blogging about.
After about twenty minutes the phone goes. It's my fellow co. worker (idiot?) he's now on his way, he's late before he starts but hey nothing new there. Has he phoned me to thank me for reminding him about the appointments? NO he's phoned me to tell me his phones flat and the fuel light is on in his van and what will he do if he runs out and breaks down? how did I reply? you ask yourself, it went like this:
He doesn't work Wednesdays so I don't know if he got around and home in one piece I will update you if it's worth blogging about.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Bad mood bear
Floor layers they are always in a mood.
Last week I used a subbie to work Friday. My regularFriday guy was already full for the day and I had two customers who wanted their installation on that day. One was at 9.30 and the other after 2.00 so the usual fitter wouldn't have wanted these jobs anyway because of the way they were timed, but at the end of the day the customers wish is my command so this is how it worked out. Hence the phone call to the subbie who was delighted to have some work off me.
You would think I had commited a crime. It's Monday now and my fellow co. worker (idiot?) who had the hump on Friday is still not speaking to me. Now it's not easy having a conversation about work with someone who will not answer you. This fellow co. worker has worked here long enough to know I would not give the subbie work in preference to him but is too stupid to recognise this. I guess we will have to suffer the silent treatment for the whole week. Or should I just use the subbie I used on Friday and make life easier for myself? that's the problem with working with "idiots" some days you think I just can't do this anymore.
Last week I used a subbie to work Friday. My regularFriday guy was already full for the day and I had two customers who wanted their installation on that day. One was at 9.30 and the other after 2.00 so the usual fitter wouldn't have wanted these jobs anyway because of the way they were timed, but at the end of the day the customers wish is my command so this is how it worked out. Hence the phone call to the subbie who was delighted to have some work off me.
You would think I had commited a crime. It's Monday now and my fellow co. worker (idiot?) who had the hump on Friday is still not speaking to me. Now it's not easy having a conversation about work with someone who will not answer you. This fellow co. worker has worked here long enough to know I would not give the subbie work in preference to him but is too stupid to recognise this. I guess we will have to suffer the silent treatment for the whole week. Or should I just use the subbie I used on Friday and make life easier for myself? that's the problem with working with "idiots" some days you think I just can't do this anymore.
Friday, 7 August 2009
I just knew
As I promisesd yesterday this is an update on the "broken finger" Aha I knew I was right it's only bruised (thank god I don't owe any one next months wages I need that to buy chocolate to help me deal with the "idiots?" the finger was hurting so much because the "idiot" had put a plaster on it and he had put it on so tight it was stopping the blood flow.
Today he has overslept "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" Why would you need calling up so you are ready for work when you are 63 years old? My body wakes me up in time ready for work every day even Sundays and I haven't been doing it as long as he has. I will file "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" in the same filing compartment as "My wife couldn't find her umberella" Any suggestions for the title of this compartment will be gratefuly received and considered.
Today he has overslept "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" Why would you need calling up so you are ready for work when you are 63 years old? My body wakes me up in time ready for work every day even Sundays and I haven't been doing it as long as he has. I will file "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" in the same filing compartment as "My wife couldn't find her umberella" Any suggestions for the title of this compartment will be gratefuly received and considered.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Busy busy busy
I have not blogged for a few days because it's been busy busy busy.
We must be doing something right here because taking in to account the way the retail economy is we are doing quite well and I can tell you now it's a nice feeling.
I am forced to wonder though, why do cusomers all come in at once? I used to have the theory that when people walked by and saw someone looking around it enticed them in to have a look, but now we are situated off the high street I don't think that theory works, but it still happens, you can sit for ages with no one and then all of a sudden you get three different customers with three different requests all at the same time.
I didn't work last Saturday, it was the turn of one of my fellow co. workers (idiot?) and on Monday he was the most miserable person on this earth, so I avoided him for a couple of hours and then enquired as to what was ailing his dispositon. It was then he told me that he had been too busy on Saturdays shift so he had been unable to do all the things he had planned to do, AND he hadn't even had time for his usual cup of tea. Now don't you feel sorry for the poor guy? or would you feel more sorry for him if he was out of a job and signing on?
We are having another outbreak of illness and injury this week and that's not helping either.
Some of my fellow co. workers are suffering from some sort of horrible bug that is rendering them helpless for a day or two (when I say helpless I mean more helpless than usual) people who know me that follow my blog will know that I am married to a fellow co. worker (idiot?) and he has been rendered helpless for a day and a half with the dreaded bug, I have entertained all my other fellow co. workers with impressions of him when he is ill. At the height of the lurgy bug he needed to take paracetamol during the night so he woke me up and I handed him the tablets only to be told "I don't have the strength to get them out of the packet" what can you say to that? well I can tell you nothing that is printable. Not only did he wake me up every four hours during the night he nudged my at about 6.30 to make sure I was awake so I would be up in time to open the shop, and then when he felt better at about 4.00 in the afternoon he phoned up and started flinging orders from his sick bed!
Another fellow co. worker (idiot) has injured his finger, as I write this he is visiting his second favourite place in the whole world CASUALTY his first favourite place is the doctors surgery. he tells me his finger is broken I am willing to bet next month wages it's only bruised. I will keep you updated.
We must be doing something right here because taking in to account the way the retail economy is we are doing quite well and I can tell you now it's a nice feeling.
I am forced to wonder though, why do cusomers all come in at once? I used to have the theory that when people walked by and saw someone looking around it enticed them in to have a look, but now we are situated off the high street I don't think that theory works, but it still happens, you can sit for ages with no one and then all of a sudden you get three different customers with three different requests all at the same time.
I didn't work last Saturday, it was the turn of one of my fellow co. workers (idiot?) and on Monday he was the most miserable person on this earth, so I avoided him for a couple of hours and then enquired as to what was ailing his dispositon. It was then he told me that he had been too busy on Saturdays shift so he had been unable to do all the things he had planned to do, AND he hadn't even had time for his usual cup of tea. Now don't you feel sorry for the poor guy? or would you feel more sorry for him if he was out of a job and signing on?
We are having another outbreak of illness and injury this week and that's not helping either.
Some of my fellow co. workers are suffering from some sort of horrible bug that is rendering them helpless for a day or two (when I say helpless I mean more helpless than usual) people who know me that follow my blog will know that I am married to a fellow co. worker (idiot?) and he has been rendered helpless for a day and a half with the dreaded bug, I have entertained all my other fellow co. workers with impressions of him when he is ill. At the height of the lurgy bug he needed to take paracetamol during the night so he woke me up and I handed him the tablets only to be told "I don't have the strength to get them out of the packet" what can you say to that? well I can tell you nothing that is printable. Not only did he wake me up every four hours during the night he nudged my at about 6.30 to make sure I was awake so I would be up in time to open the shop, and then when he felt better at about 4.00 in the afternoon he phoned up and started flinging orders from his sick bed!
Another fellow co. worker (idiot) has injured his finger, as I write this he is visiting his second favourite place in the whole world CASUALTY his first favourite place is the doctors surgery. he tells me his finger is broken I am willing to bet next month wages it's only bruised. I will keep you updated.
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