Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Bed knobs and broom sticks!!

Diversification is the word of the day in retail and as previously blogged we have diversified back into the world of sleep and selling beds.
Yesterday I left my fellow co. workers "idiots?" alone and headed up the motorway to a trade show all about beds. Husband boss fellow co. worker "idiot?" and I had to do the obligatory measure on the way, this took an hour. Oh thought I as I sat in the car reading my book and eating some fruit whilst I waited. I better get the information out and plan our route around the venue as we still had two hours to travel and I wanted to be back by 5 o'clock for a hair cut. Once we got started on our journey proper I thought all was well. But NO we travelled for about 45 minutes and then he decided he could go no further without coffee. So we stopped. In to the services we wandered, then in to the mobile phone shop he went. "NO come on I pleaded, we need to start back at 3 o'clock at the latest." Coffee and nibbles for him were chosen "have you got any money?" I enquired, stupid question I know he doesn't do money. Lucky I had some so the items were purchased. Once again we started off as we were motoring a car flew past it was sign written MOBILE SOLICITOR what's one of them? the only thing I could think of was a prostitute with a car!
At last we reached our destination I had pre-booked so we went straight in. I was impressed. Our first port of call was to the stand of our supplier at the moment, I had tried to explain to hubby what this character is like. Even I was taken aback by his chosen outfit for the trade show. As I waved to attract his attention he turned around there he was in all his glory nice brown suite and a bright purple dickie bow tie. He was pleased to see us and flapped about trying to impress. After an acceptable amount of time we bade our farewells and made our way around to make some new contacts. Straight away we found the suppliers we wanted and got the paperwork to open the accounts.Brilliant this had taken just over an hour. I was elated and thought I might even get back early. We stopped for another coffee for him and a bottle of water for me and some sandwitches. We chatted about our next move. Himself decided we need a premier supplier. So back in to the fray we went, off to the big boys. This stand was very busy we sat on beds poked beds and admired the ticking (yes ticking that's mattress fabric to you and me.) Eventually someone made contact No they didn't cover our area so we had to wait for the area rep. to make time to see us. She eventually did. she was french very french we couldn't understand a word she was saying. Around and around she dragged us lie on this bed lie on that bed we were in a whirl. Then came the nitty gritty which beds would you like to purchase today. I didn't have the heart to tell her we had no intention of purchasing any beds at the show we have a nice display for now all I wanted was to open the account. "We don't want to commit today" I said so she scanned our bar codes like we were a pack of tomatoes and is coming into the show room in four weeks time. Thank god I thought this ordeal is over. But no you have to open an account with our sister company as well I'll introduce you to Derek. Off we trot meet Derek lie on this bed lie on that bed "what do you think?" he says "which beds would you like to purchase today?" we don't commit. We are scanned and he's coming to the showroom in four weeks. I look at husband he looks at me "lets go home". Derek was the icing on the cake we could take in no more information on springs and ticking we ambled home. I looked in my purse I had spent all my money on refreshments. I paid for my hair cut in loose change. Our day was done.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


It's all beige around here My fellow co. workers my customers my environment it's all beige. Why? you are asking yourself. I don't know why the customers are beige because I don't know them personally, but there does seem to be a distinct lack of personality going on this week. I'm doing all the usual stuff coming out with the patter and all I'm getting in return is a lopsided smile and not much else. They all obviously think I've got mental health issues. But hey at least I'm not beige. My fellow co. workers are all in a funny place it's the old health and safety chestnut again upsetting the apple cart. I'm sure they'll get over it and I'm sure it'll all die down only to re-emerge another day. My environment is beige because we've moved everything husband boss fellow co. worker had a wild idea we should supplement selling carpet with beds so my beautifully refurbished show room has been torn apart to put the beds in, so we can't find anything, and we're still waiting for all the beds to arrive. I am awaiting some colour in my life it can't stay beige for ever. I will know things are improving when I feel my life is taupe and not beige!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Are you serious?

We have a new tenant in the flats above our showroom and unfortunately there a smoker. And with that comes the inevitable. They are far too bone idle to dispose of the remnants of there habit in a civilised way so they throw them out of the window.
so this morning one of the first tasks was to sweep the pavement. I asked a fellow co. worker "idiot?" "would you sweep the pavement please" he looked at me and carried on wandering around. I let this go for about half an hour. I then requested again "would you sweep the pavement for me please" he then went in to one. "Are you serious? I'm not sweeping up because there too lazy to dispose of there fags properly". The easy answer to this was "yes you are because I need that pavement to look inviting for the customers otherwise they may not come in" out he went and reluctantly swept up.

Friday, 10 September 2010

gone but not forgotten

I must apologise for not blogging for a while. It's all been a bit hectic since me and the welsh wonder had a major falling out three weeks ago. I have blogged previously about the temperamental welsh fitter I have had the misfortune to work with for the last ten year. Well off and on over the years we have had a few fall outs and he has decided to not speak to me. Some how or another this has usually worked itself out and we have managed to rub along. However this time he managed to tip me over the edge. The Monday morning started out much the same as always. He wasn't speaking we were communicating if you can call it that through a third party. Something had gone wrong with a plan for a hall stairs and landing, but because he wasn't speaking to me I didn't know. The third party had told a fellow co. worker "idiot?" to sort it out and deliver the carpet all cut ready to the house they were working at. The fellow co. worker "idiot?" omitted to tell me so I was oblivious until lunch time when they rolled up. In came the third party whilst the welsh wonder sat in his van. "Have you finished already?" I enquired. "NO you didn't sort the carpet out so we're going home" was his reply. You can imagine my astonishment. I flew up in the air dashed across the show room shouting "That's it I've had enough . I went to the van swung the door open and dragged the welsh wonder by his arm into the warehouse. Stomped into the office dragged the "idiot?" who had planned the carpet out to him and threatened to bang there heads together. All the time I was ranting on "It takes a bloody woman to sort you lot out all the time, you should all be ashamed you act like bloody kids." I then made a cup of tea plonked it on the floor and went back to work. The problem with the plan was sorted out and off they went and the job was finished. At some point I had told the welsh wonder I would phone him the next day to discuss matters. As I always do what say I will I picked up the phone thinking we could have an adult conversation and sort things out. BUT NO he wouldn't speak to me. All I got was the third party and he foolishly asked me what work they would be required to carry out. That was red rag to a bull and I was off again it went like this. "You tell that bloody ***hole to ring me and then we'll see until then there isn't any work. That was all three weeks ago and I've not heard a thing since. I was absolutely sure he would turn up for the wages I owe him. But no not a word not a visit nothing all is quiet. If he's waiting for me to ring him he'll wait I tell you because I'm a great friend and a terrible enemy. Of course this left me with a problem too much work and not enough workers. So I needed to fill the void. This went well for the first week or so, not so well this week. In came the replacement walking a bit gingerly his knees were paining him so he had spent a night on the sofa. This had fixed his knee problem but now he had a serious back problem. He struggled out and did the first job the rest of the day had to be cancelled. I'm hoping next week is going to sort itself out better.