Friday, 17 June 2011

the naked truth

Last night we were just closing. My fellow co. worker who cycles to work always decides to change into his lycra shorts in the warehouse was mid trouser change. In came a customer. "ooh I know you're just closing" she said "but do you mind if I quickly find some samples to take away?." Of course I turned the lights back on and helped her to select as per her requirements. As I was serving her we had a little giggle about the "idiot?" cavorting about in his boxer shorts. I wonder why he doesn't change in the toilet like a normal person!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Where do they live?

Unfortunately my fellow co. workers "idiots?" seem to be tarred with the same brush. I am suffering from job sheets coming back to me with addresses scratched out and re-written with what they consider to be the address. I am fed up with saying "I write the address the customer gives me." Surely to god the customer knows where they live. Some days I think it's a conspiracy and they give me the wrong address on purpose to make me look like an "idiot?" on other days I know it's just my fellow co. workers "idiots?" writing what they think the address is which is a whole different ball game.Today husband fellow co. worker "idiot?" handed me a sheet the customer told me he lived in Lydbrook. Husband has changed it to Joys Green!!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Smile please

Today I was discussing with a fellow co. worker "idiot?" my dislike of having my photograph taken. We were considering how to promote our website and one suggestion was photographs of the team. The "idiot?" I was talking to said "I know go to the beauty parlour on way in on the day of the photographs." Well I was dumbfounded I didn't say I was ugly and needed beautifying I just said I don't like having my photograph taken!!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Peddling your wares

Today I was visited by two young ladies peddling their wares. What were they peddling? you may enquire. Advertising space. Does advertising work? I often ask myself this question. Before we moved to the showroom we're in now we advertised much more. The building we worked from was in a busy area but not on the high street. It was in a car park right next to a very busy bank and the back entrance to Woolworths. You would have thought every one would have noticed it. But they didn't. At least one person per day would say "I didn't know you were here." It made me wonder if all the money we spent on advertising did any good. Regardless of my doubts we still advertise. Not as much as then. We now stick to the local free paper and hope that someone will notice our ad. and pop in and purchase.
Any how when the girls arrived I was sat behind my desk alone. As usual I had upset a fellow co. worker "idiot?" it's not difficult to do. This particular "idiot?" had been over to see if we could get a vertical blind altered on the drop. He brought back a sample of the alteration. On one side there was a crease and on the other two lines of stitching.Another "idiot?" suggested steaming the louvre obviously to remove the crease. The first "idiot?" piped up "steaming wont get rid of stitch lines" now I'm not a rocket scientist but I thought this was bloody obvious and I said so. This went down like a lead balloon. He bristled and huffed and stropped off. I had obviously hit a raw nerve when I said he had made "a bloody stupid statement." He went off into the warehouse and ignored me for a while. I then managed to upset him again. A fellow co. worker "idiot?" had made an nice cup of tea. And I innocently said "That was great J** made the only nice cuppa I had yesterday." The upset "idiot?" retorted "Thanks for saying I make shit tea." I didn't say that. The not so good cups I had yesterday included some I made myself. It just wasn't a good tea day. Why? oh why? do my fellow co. wokers "idiots?" take offence to everything I say!!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Bank holiday blues

With all the bank holdays we've had lately the "idiots?" and I are really finding it hard to settle into a routine. Yesterday was a typical Tuesday after Bank holiday kind of day. In we trotted. Some of us were more keen than others. One or two didn't come in at all. One of the non starters is in foreign climes so we knew he wouldn't be in. The other non starter stretched the weekend at the eleventh hour. It was busy from the time we opened the door and we were a little over stretched. Off went an "idiot?" to make the tea. I looked forward to a warming brew to help ease the burdens of the day. What I got was a foul tasting brew made with milk that was two days of date. Off to the supermaket I had to go to purchase fresh supplies. Not a good start to the working week!