Thursday, 31 May 2012

What a muddle

At last I have peace. Well not entirely I do have a rep. in building a stand but I don't count him. Even though he arrived at 8.30 this morning to build this stand and the stand hadn't arrived. It was promised as first delivery of the day and then the driver decided to reverse his route! It's been one of those days. At 8.30 in wandered an "idiot?" on his arrival I enquired had he forgotten to do a measure on Monday? "Oh yes" says he I completely forgot. Unbeknown to me the customer had phoned yesterday and spoken to one of the other "idiots? and he had arranged it for today. But the "idiot?" with the bad memory didn't know this either so off he went to make a phone call to apologise and re-arrange. We sorted out the confusion and then on we went about our business. I then casually said to a fellow co. worker of course you're not here this afternoon -because he had booked the afternoon off weeks ago- he looked at me blankly. He had completely forgotten. After much ado arrangements were made and the afternoon off was back on. Then I had a telephone call at 1.15 "you said my carpet would be fitted today after 12.30" "yes" says I "well it's 1.15 now" "yes" says I. "well I don't want to wait  in all afternoon I've got thing to do." "Oh" says I. thinking why didn't you do your things before 12.30. "your carpet fitter shouldn't be too long."  I have no idea how long the carpet fitter is going to be. He's got a lot on today. I only ever give a time of first job mid to late morning or after 12.30. After 12.30 means any time before 6. I'm hoping tomorrow will be less of a muddle.