Saturday, 31 October 2009
Smooth operator!!!!
Yesterday at the end of the day some of my fellow co. workers returned after a hard day. Some of them were laughing about the days events so I enquired what had occured. They were at a site where they were rubbing down the floors, we have a machine that does this and one fellow co. worker ("idiot?") was using this whilst the other two did something else. When you've done a job for a long time you know the sounds that your tools make when they do certain things and whilst he was busying himself one of my fellow co. workers thought that whizzy machine is not making the right noise. Has the pad come off? no I don't think so it's screwed on. So he shouted "**** what you doing?" "rubbing the floor down" he replied "what floor?" "I'm in the toilet doing that floor now" "we haven't latexed that floor get out" and when my fellow co. worker went to investigate he had been rubbing down the exisitng vinyl. When my fellow co. worker enquired how he could be so stupid he replied "The vinyls the same colour as our latex!"
Friday, 30 October 2009
Totally oblivious
today a fellow co. worker ("idiot?") phoned and asked me to find him a quotation out of the kalamazoo file. This file is situated on a desk next to the desk of another fellow co. worker. "Give me a minute I said and I'll run and have a look for you." In the office my other fellow co. worker ("prize idiot?") was sat at the desk talking on the phone as usual. To get the Kalamazoo I had to reach over him and around him. Did he move an inch? NO he sat rocking in his leather executive chair just like I didn't exist. I didn't find what I was looking for and left. After a short while my fellow co. worker finished boring who ever was on the end of the phone and came out in to the show room. "Do you not think it would have been polite to move out of my way?" I enquired "Oh I didn't see you" he replied. How can you not see a reasonably tall slightly over weight female dressed in a shocking pink blouse because it's pink friday reaching over you? I tell you some of my fellow co. workers ("idiots?") are just totally oblivious to anything that goes on around them.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
You may as well just do it yourself
As well as me and the other half we have ten other fellow co. workers ("idots?") not all of these work every day not all of these really work any day. For a few weeks now I have noticed that if you really want things done properly (or what I think is properly) you may as well do it yourself. By the time you have asked someone to do it showed them how to do it and put it right when they haven't done it properly you could have saved all that time and energy by just doing it yourself in the first place.
Today I asked a fellow co. worker to price up a job, he went away did the maths and then brought it back to me "You ring her and tell her the price and tell her I need to check the floor" why couldn't he do any of those things himself? I had a good laugh yesterday that proves this point. One of my fellow co. workers came back and asked me if I had noticed him stop up the road when he left in the morning. I told him I hadn't he then proceeded to tell me his fellow co. worker had put some tools in to the back of the van after they had loaded a 5.00 m cut. With 5.00 m the doors don't shut properly on the back of the van, all the boys know this and load accordingly. This co. worker didn't make an allowance and when they went up the road the tools fell out of the back of the van right in front of a competitors van. Did the fellow co. worker who loaded the tools feel silly? I would think so!
Today I asked a fellow co. worker to price up a job, he went away did the maths and then brought it back to me "You ring her and tell her the price and tell her I need to check the floor" why couldn't he do any of those things himself? I had a good laugh yesterday that proves this point. One of my fellow co. workers came back and asked me if I had noticed him stop up the road when he left in the morning. I told him I hadn't he then proceeded to tell me his fellow co. worker had put some tools in to the back of the van after they had loaded a 5.00 m cut. With 5.00 m the doors don't shut properly on the back of the van, all the boys know this and load accordingly. This co. worker didn't make an allowance and when they went up the road the tools fell out of the back of the van right in front of a competitors van. Did the fellow co. worker who loaded the tools feel silly? I would think so!
Monday, 26 October 2009
Ever been had?
Today one of my fellow co. workers was expecting a parcel to be delivered. I was told if it came when he wasn't here I was to check the package thoroughly before signing for it as it had come from America. At lunch time we were sat eating our lunch at chatting over a cuppa when the delivery arrived. With great anticipation he stood up and took the parcel from the driver. "That will be £224.02 please sir" said the delivery driver. "What?" my fellow. co. worker exclaimed "£224.02 please sir, that's for import duty and handling, how would you like to pay that sir?" my fellow co. workers face was a picture and his bargain e-bay purchase was not such a bargain after all.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
why would you do that?
Yesterday for some unknown reason was busy from the time we opened the door. One of those full on days that just flies by. I had organised measures for most of the morning for my fellow co. worker ("idiot?") and these were all timed to perfection. At one point in the morning he came back to the show room to pick up more sampling to show a customer, he noticed I was flat out made me cup of tea and then disappeared again this was about 11.30 at 1.30 my other fellow co. workers ("idiots?") came back for lunch and enquired where he was. I hadn't noticed what time it was but couldn't think what could be taking him so long. Not long after this in he puffed grabbed his sandwitches and sat down. "what took so long?" we all enquired "she made me measure her guttering" was his reply. I couldn't understand this as we don't sell guttering, but he informed me it would have been rude not to do this for her. I have been told that today the customer has contacted the shop to say she will not be purchasing the flooring, I wonder if she will have new guttering instead!
Thursday, 22 October 2009
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!
One of my fellow co. workers ("idiots?") is always complaining when other co. workers have days off. He was having a really good moan the other day and I casually told him that he was one of the worst offenders and that "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" he just looked at me quizically as if he was the best most reliable worker in the whole place, when he just so isn't! he has the most sick days and is always cutting his days short because of one drama or another. He phoned in yesterday on his day off to tell me he couldn't work today because he was having double glazing fitted. Now I know he has had most of it done because he has had it done in phases, and I also know I am having all my windows replaced over the next week or so, so I have a plan of action about moving furniture and taking down curtains etc. none of my plans involve having any time off work. So I told him "I'm having replacement windows and managing to come to work and do my job, so your asking the wrong person if it's acceptable!" He told me it's all right for me but he has more stuff to move. How on earth can you deal with people who always think things are so much harder for them than they are for you. This same fellow co. worker used to be my boss and when he was my boss I just had to put up with him. One day a long time ago he came in to work and told me he was going home at 3.30 "Oh why's that then?" I asked "my wifes going out tonight and I have to cook my own tea" he replied. I remember getting the right hump and telling him I have to cook my own tea every day and I don't go home at 3.30. I think the moral of this blog is there are people that do and people that think they do.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Why do I bother?
I fretted all last week because I didnt give a subie co. worker ("idot?") any work. He's a temperamental bas***d and I just didn't feel I could deal with him, so the nice subies got the work. But I felt so guilty I decided I would phone him for work this week. Why did I bother? I don't just assume he's sat at home waiting for me to phone him so I asked him this morning if it was O.K for me to book the week all he did was grunt at me "so long as the monies right" this guy has worked here for years but boy oh boy I just don't see how much longer I can put up with his moods. He obviously thinks he's hard done by when really he isn't. I should just not feel guilty any more tell him you reap what you sowe and give the work to the nice guys.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Is it me?
I've not got that Friday feeling today at all. As usual I have spent time looking for lost paper work for a job that is happening tonight. I didn't find what I was looking for which was an e-mailed copy of our quotation but I did find the originals that had been lost for a while. It wasn't difficult it was in the Kalamazoo file under P for post office, quite simple really just like the person who keeps losing paper work!! Any way I was looking for the paperwork to telephone the customer to confirm the lads could work tonight, I had told the appropriate fellow co. worker ("idiot?") two days ago I had spoken to the customer and all was well, but he had forgotton to tell the lads who of course by now had made plans for the weekend that didn't include working for most of it. During all the commotion a friend of a fellow co. worker kept phoning me with requests for shopping from the super market for my fellow co. worker ("idiot?") to pick up for him including black bags and pork pies!! and the mobile was ringing about health and safety issues on a site we are working at. According to the site manager the lads need to work in full kit this includes high vis. vests steel toe cap boots and hard hats. According to one fellow co. worker ("idiot?") this is detremental to his health. After many 'phone calls it's decided if the site manager says wear it all then that's what they will have to do and moan about it as they go. I really don't think today is going to be a good day.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
How sad am I ?
NO please don't answer this it's a rhetorical question. This is turning out to be one weird week, it's really really quiet even the phone isn't ringing that much ( it seems to be ringing mostly when I'm in the loo and obviously can't answer it I'm sure it knows when I go in there!) so this is where the sad bit comes in. I've got a delivery man who seems to be my best friend. Most days he delivers to us he comes dashing in shouting "R***** in the house" he doesn't care if we have customers or not or if we are the phone he just comes in shouting, then he sits on the chair in front of the desk and waites for his coffee (with or without biscuits or cake depending if we have any) he then carries on random conversations with any customers until his taco. break is over and usually I dread him coming. But today I will be glad of the company.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Another day another dollar
It's official I hate Mondays more than anything else in the whole world. I have started so many things today and completed not much at all. One of my fellow co. workers ("IDOTS?") is on Holiday again today this fellow co. worker has been away every other week for the last month. They have visited France Cornwall and now Turkey. I wouldn't mind but they only work 34 hours per month as opposed to my minimum 43.5 hour week. I suppose I'm just jealous. The missing coleague shouldn't have been a problem because I booked cover for the hours they should have worked, but that's gone tits up because the stand in hasn't turned up either. I was going to phone the stand in fellow co. worker "idiot?" but decided what's the point I might as well just carry on. I have had some good news today an e-mail was in my inbox from lottery H.Q I never check until a Monday morning because it would be soooo good to be able pick your things up and head back out of the door and leave all the IDIOTS to a Monday morning. But unfortunately I only won £10 I think I will re-invest this in Lucky dips next Saturday and try and win my way out of here.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
That makes no sense
Friday I popped out to get the salmon and cucumber sandwitch I had been craving for three days (and yes it was delicious) and a customer came in and paid a fellow co. worker by cheque whilst I was out. On my return my fellow co. worker "idiot?" queeried the cheque with me. They said "The document number is right, the amount is right, but the name on the cheque is not the customers" I can think of many reasons why this could be so. But this was obvious it was a counter cheque from the building society. what can you do when you work with IDIOTS!! to add insult to injury this particular fellow co. worker always reminds me they used to work in a bank.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
The sandwitch saga continues
"Don't worry" my fellow co. worker ("idiot?") other half said "I will get you a salmon and cucumber sandwitch tomorrow." So up I get today anticipating him buying me the lunch I wanted yesterday. BUT oh NO on the work top was an home made jobbie he had made me before he left this morning. Now I have a dilemma first thing in the morning do I upset him and buy myself what I want or do I eat what he has kindly made me? I think of the credit crunch and pick up my home made offering and out the door I travel. When I got to work he asked me "did you see the sandwitches I made for myself I left them in a bag?" I hadn't seen them and assured him they were not there and thought no more. Later today he came back with sandwitches he had been back home to look for the originals, but of course they were no where to be seen so he had made some more. We sat down to eat and he went all thoughtful "I know I put them in carrier and then I put the bins out I must have thrown them away." You make your mind up but I'm sure he's and IDIOT.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
A little of what you fancy does you good
I am sorry to inform you but I have been ill, proper ill I think I have had every germ known to man kind in the space of one week. Unfortunatley this meant I had to abandon my fellow co. workers ("idiots?") on Monday and leave them to it. Did I spend my impromtue day off enjoying a leisurely day watching T.V and reading? NO I felt really guilty because I should have done some things on Friday that I didn't do because I didn't feel well and thought I would do them Monday instead! So Tuesday I put on the war paint and in I struggled.
Today is Wednesday and one of my fellow co. workers was going to the supermarket to get a sandwitch "oh" I said "will you get me one? I really fancy a salmon and cucumber sandwitch" oh yes that would be fine so I paid over my money and off he went. On his return he put the bag down without a word and it was a while before I could get to it, with great anticipation I pulled out my offering (remember I really fancy a salmon and cucumber sandwitch) it was chicken salad!!! I can tell you the disappointment is overwhelming I don't want a chicken salad sandwitch I have been ill the only thing I want is a salmon and cucumber sandwitch all my fellow co. worker said was "they didn't have any" I'm sure they did he just couldn't be bothered to look any more and I have bought a sandwitch I can't eat!!!
Today is Wednesday and one of my fellow co. workers was going to the supermarket to get a sandwitch "oh" I said "will you get me one? I really fancy a salmon and cucumber sandwitch" oh yes that would be fine so I paid over my money and off he went. On his return he put the bag down without a word and it was a while before I could get to it, with great anticipation I pulled out my offering (remember I really fancy a salmon and cucumber sandwitch) it was chicken salad!!! I can tell you the disappointment is overwhelming I don't want a chicken salad sandwitch I have been ill the only thing I want is a salmon and cucumber sandwitch all my fellow co. worker said was "they didn't have any" I'm sure they did he just couldn't be bothered to look any more and I have bought a sandwitch I can't eat!!!
Friday, 2 October 2009
De ja vous
Today has felt like a repeat of many days I have spent with the ("idiots?") "have you seen the paper work for........" and of course the answer from all was NO! my fellow co. worker ("idot?") shuffled a few bits of paper about "no no it's not here it must be in the van of fellow co. worker who is not working today" so I thinks I bet the piece of paper is right in front of his nose and I bet him £500 it was in the office "NO it is not I have not seen it I would know if I had" guess what there it was right under his nose. I have told him I will settle for £450 instead of the £500.
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