Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Just this week

This last week has been quite interesting with the "idiots?." The other day one of my fellow co. workers "idiots?" who works in the showroom with me said "..ck I have a problem, I can't wear these shoes any more" so I looked at his shoes and fair enough the top and bottom were a separate item. so he continued to tell me "I have a choice either I can wear white trainers or steel toe capped boots (fairly battered). "OH NO" I replied "white trainers and black trousers you'll look a right wally" (I have a delicate way with words!) "and steel toe capped boots is definite no no". I gave it some thought and decided if it had to be white trainers then a decent pair of jeans and white trainers until pay day would suffice. We came to work the next day and I was expectng my fellow co. worker to be dressed in a more casual fashion than usual but in the way we had agreed.I was surprised to notice him sporting the smart black shoes he had worn to work the first week and declared unwearable because they were uncomfortable. I haven't mentioned it to him but I am wondering what was the point of the debate about his footwear if he wasn't going to wear trainers and jeans after all.

This week started off in the usual Monday way. You know what I mean lots of problems and things to sort. In wandered one of my other fellow co. workers "idiots?" 45 minutes after everyone else. I could tell by the look on his face we were starting the week with an ailment. Not unusual I hear you say as I have blogged about this hypochondriach before. Well yesterday when I went in to his office he was sitting there with his finger all plastered up he was holding it out from his body so we could all see he had a "baddie" after a couple of hours of him wafting the offending finger about so I would ask I enquired about the "baddie" apparently he was cutting a washer because he was too tight to purchas the correct fixings for a tap and the knife slipped and caused the "baddie". I wish I hadn't enquired I should have known better. Because he then proceeded to tell me not only did he have the "baddie" he had burned his arm on the blow torch and he had a headache. Today the "baddie" is still bandaged up but we are focusing on the burn for the attention.

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