Tuesday, 11 January 2011

New year New start.

In we came last Tuesday. One fellow co. worker "idiot?" had received a letter to inform him of his new working hours in December ready for January. His new start time came and went. In he ambled at the start time he wanted NOT the start time stated in his letter. Great start thought I. When questioned at first he denied the new start time. I informed him I knew the new start time because I typed the letter. He let slip "I don't see the point in starting that early." "Ah" said I. "So you knew the time you were supposed to start. You just didn't want to." The next day the start time was adhered to. EXCEPT instead of coming in and getting started he gets a cuppa and either sits or stands in my way. As I see it he's trying to go back to a start time he chooses. I'm not going to play the game I'm just going to work around him for as long as it takes for him to get the message. Start 8.30 means start 8.30 not come in at 8.30 get in the way and start work about 9.15!
The real fun started about last Thursday. "Have we got a new holiday calender?" the "idiots?" enquired. This was bad news as soon as it was produced they all started booking weeks off. I was in despair. I informed husband boss "idiot?" that we would never get any time off if we didn't sort it quickly. Today he came up trumps. Holiday booked flights booked apartment in sunny climate with garden sorted.And guess what? I'm going on Monday. I'll show the "idiots?" New year New start I'm coming first for choosing holidays and not last.

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