Monday, 15 August 2011


I don't know how or why but we have a rep. that thinks I don't exist. I've told him before not to do this but in he came again today and said "oh is no one here n***" and once again I said " No J*** I'm bloody invisible" what he means is are any of the fellas here but once again he p***ed me off. Then in came a customer for nosings, now I knew exactly what he wanted and the right questions to ask. But oh no J*** answered all the questions for me. I let him have his head and then said to the customer "I answered all that without opening my mouth." Still this bloody arrogant man chuntered on as if I didn't exist. And then he wondered why I didn't want to exchange pleasantries with him. My god some times I think we're still in the dark ages in  the flooring industry.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

At least all your reps are not like that!!! xxxx