Thursday, 27 October 2011

What holiday?

Just over a week since I returned from my holiday and I've forgotten I had one. Last week was horrendous. On the Monday (the day I last blogged) first day back at work and all that I was knackered. I managed to stumble through the day some how. But I was delighted to see the end of it. Off I went home did a few jobs eat my meal and being the party animal I am went to bed to watch Doc. Martin. As I said  I was extremely tired and just about managed to watch the Doc. for an hour and then it was good night from me. I was awoken from my blissful slumber by the phone ringing. I tried to ignore it and put my pillow over my head. But it wouldn't stop. At this point I registered how annoying the ring tone selected is. Husband "idiot?" leaped out of bed and answered the call. It was our fellow co. workers "idiots?" who were working nights at Cheltenham hospital. " We're very sorry but we have blown the transformer. And we need you to deliver another one." Granted it was only 11.45 but I was in a deep sleep and not at all happy to be awoken. I could hear hubby saying "No problem give me an hour and I'll be there." I was thinking oh shit! of course he was still in holiday mode and had enjoyed a drink or two with his meal. I had not. There was no way he was going to be able to drive the van. I stumbled about in my nightie I knew I needed to put on clothes but as we had the builders in whilst we were away I had no idea where anything was. I found some jeans and jumper and on they went on top of my nightie of course. Off we went I was freezing. It was blowing a gale and peeing down with rain. Just two days before I was complaining I was too hot and seeking the shade.What a difference a day makes!! Any way we agreed to meet a fellow co. worker "idiot?" just outside Gloucester and fair enough he was at the agreed rendezvous point at the appointed time. I pulled in  and out of his van he jumped. It was about 12.30 and he was eating a banana I thought I was going to part with my tea there and then it really turned my stomach. I didn't get out the van. Hubby handed over the new transformer they had a little conflab and then we headed back to home. I thought fabulous I'll just get back into bed and go straight to sleep. BUT NO I spent the rest of the night watching the clock tick around I just couldn't get warm and get back to sleep. The boys are doing nights again next week so I'm going to unplug the phone.

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