Friday 18 February 2011

Moody mare

Yesterday a fellow co. worker "idiot?" accused me of being sharp. This has not gone down well in my book. I am the least moody member of staff we have. Don't get me wrong I'm not a saint, but rarely am I in a bad mood, and if I am I tend to go around telling everyone "I'm feeling grumpy today" I tell them because it doesn't happen often and I want to warn them.
As far as I was aware I was having a good day. I was as happy as you can be at 8.30 on a Thursday. I came in cleaned the showroom and set about making a round of tea. Apart from standing on my desk and singing "GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING MAKE TODAY A SUNBLEST DAY" I don't think I could have been any more cheery. The only thing I can think of is I'm starting to show my age and my happy on the inside is not getting to the outside.

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