Monday 18 April 2011

Sixth sense or no sense?

Today I ambled in after a BAD night. Sore throat runny nose and it's Monday. Some how I knew my fellow co. workers "idiots?" wouldn't be any help. As I drove into the carpark there was a fellow co. worker "idiot?" sporting a pair of flip flops and jeans polishing his work shoes. Bad start. 8.30 came and went two fellow co. workers "idiots?" not arrived yet. Bad start. They duly ambled in a bit later. I never said a word but I looked at the clock and it's filed in my head. 9.30 we ran out of milk. Bad start. I went out to purchase supplies. On my return one job couldn't now be done today. Bad start. Do you think I had a sixth sense my fellow co. workers would be of no help today? Or do you think I had no sense because I didn't throw a sicky? You may leave your feed back should you desire.

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