Wednesday 13 July 2011

Electricity update

Yesterday the admin assistant to the landlord bowled in. She was carrying an electric bill for the units used before the electricity metre fiasco.She presented it with great aplomb. I looked at husband boss "idiot?" he didn't get why I was giving him the look. The admin assistant left."How did she get that bill together?" I asked husband. He didn't know what I was talking about. No one had taken a metre reading. The landlord and or his assistant had plucked a figure from the air and decided that's how much electricity we must have used. We read the metre like a normal person would do. We had used half the units he had billed us for. The bill had been returned UNPAID!!


Hilary said...

What idiots to expect you just to pay up!!!!!!

Kate said...

Hi Nic, As Hilary said they are ruddy idiots to expect you to pay the bill...