Tuesday 3 November 2009

First impressions

You never get another chance to make a first impression or that's what I think. Working with my fellow co. workers ("idots?") who are men can some times be a trial. I will often have to comment that they are not dressed appropriately to be in the show room. Some times things go wrong and instead of going to site they stay and do things around here, work on plans or re-stock the rolls but often if it's busy they end up serving customers and I am some times very embarrassed that they are not dressed appropriateley. Yesterday for one of my fellow co. workers ("idiot?") it was the opposite way around he came in dressed reasonably enough but had to go out to do a site measure he was almost there when he got a telephone call "I hope you have brought your wellies" which of course he hadn't. So apparently when he left site he was covered in mud and had to go home and change. When he returned to the show room he was wearing beige trousers brown shoes dark grey shirt and black jacket which didn't match at all. "what have you got on?" I said "you match at the top you match at the bottom but the bottom and the top don't match" He then went on to tell me how muddy he had got and that he had to go home and change also he would be in big trouble when he gets home because he walked mud all through the house (why he didn't take his shoes off before he went in is beyond me) "well" says I "why couldn't you change your shirt as well as your trousers and shoes?" because not only did the grey not go with the beige / brown ensemble it was covered in toothpaste as well. He told me what he was wearing was all right! and I'm guessing any one he made contact with for the first time he gave the impression that he got dressed in the dark

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