Saturday 31 October 2009

Smooth operator!!!!

Yesterday at the end of the day some of my fellow co. workers returned after a hard day. Some of them were laughing about the days events so I enquired what had occured. They were at a site where they were rubbing down the floors, we have a machine that does this and one fellow co. worker ("idiot?") was using this whilst the other two did something else. When you've done a job for a long time you know the sounds that your tools make when they do certain things and whilst he was busying himself one of my fellow co. workers thought that whizzy machine is not making the right noise. Has the pad come off? no I don't think so it's screwed on. So he shouted "**** what you doing?" "rubbing the floor down" he replied "what floor?" "I'm in the toilet doing that floor now" "we haven't latexed that floor get out" and when my fellow co. worker went to investigate he had been rubbing down the exisitng vinyl. When my fellow co. worker enquired how he could be so stupid he replied "The vinyls the same colour as our latex!"

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