Tuesday 5 January 2010

Snow joke

How are we supposed to get back to normal when the weather keeps messing everything up?
Living as we do in the good old Forest of Dean the snowy weather plays havoc with getting out and about. Customers just don't understand if they live in town, that us poor "idiots?" that live in the Forest can't get off our drives or out of the roads we live on to get to work. But hey I'm guessing unless there is a significant snow fall tonight boss "idiot?" husband and myself will be negotiating the slippery sloaps in our trusty four by four just in case a Towny wants to come in to our store and purchase. Today once again when the snow started one of my fellow co. workers "idiot?" started to get restless, this is the fellow co. worker "idiot?" that's always bragging he can drive anywhere in the snow it's other people that can't. I suppose it had been snowing for about an hour when he couldn't contain himself any longer and anounced to one and all he was going home. I will admit he does live in the Forest and driving was a bit tricky, but it wasn't too bad, and if he would just admit he doesn't like driving in the snow, instead of spouting off to one and all what a clever bast**** he is and how he can get anywhere in the snow I would respect his decision to go home. But I know as soon as the snow has gone he will stand in his favourite position in front of the heater by my desk and tell me what a brilliant driver he is. And what will I do? roll my eyes and maybe make a smart comment, knowing as soon as there is another snowy day off he will race like a whippet as soon as it starts to stick. And I will still be at work and I will have to drive home in the snow and I HATE driving in the snow!

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