Saturday 22 August 2009


Well as previous post, this weeks been all about Health & Safety. We had a consultant come to the office to give us advice and put all the correct procedures in place should they ever be required.

Some of his advice requires that the sub-contractors we use need to do a risk assessment so we can keep it on file, WELL you would think I had asked them to donate a kidney so I could keep it on file not a simple document of the things they do every day!

I phoned them all to tell them what I needed, and I could tell from the luke warm response that this did not go down too well, and I waited to see what the next morning would bring.
One of the subies is a moody sod who doesn't usually speak to the others, well in this instance he made a special effort, and they were an armed force to attack me over the usual morning cuppa. I raised my hands in defeat (not like me at all) but it was 8.30 on a Thursday morning, and off I went to get reinforcements in the shape of the M.D and the other 6'4" tall director should his muscle power be required, and so they squabbled for the next twenty minutes or so, just like school boys, they were raising stupid points: "you must phone the customers two hours before we are due to inform them not to smoke because we will be in their house fitting flooring" have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? and so on and on in went. By 9 0'clock I had, had enough. So informed subies "it's like this: These things are being put in place for your benefit. They are being put in place, and you either do the risk assessment or you don't. NO risk assessment NO WORK." The Moody subie is giving it his consideration, and once again not speaking to me.

Whilst looking around for all the risks we have decided we should have a mass clear up and tidy. One of my fellow co. workers (idot?) has is own office with an extensive library of sampling, this is very over crowded so he decided after a while it should be tidied out.
And so it went:
And then I went to do some photo copying, could you get in through the door? NO he had thrown it all off the shelves and on to the floor.
"Oh" says I "would it not have been better to get a trolley and fill it up so you could push it all out to the skip? his reply was he didn't know we had a trolley.
We have had the trolley for at least two years and it is usually right in your eye line in the delivery unit. Off he went and the trolley was duly filled. The alternative should he not have done this was probably at least twenty to thirty journey's to the skip with as many folder as he could carry in his arms. You decide is this fellow co. worker an idiot?

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