Thursday 27 August 2009

Nothings changed

It's Thursday and grumpy subie fitter is back in today, and I got wet and argued on Monday for NOTHING all he did today was read his paperwork and then he started moaning. He hasn't even loaded the van or knocked on a door and he's sure the furniture will still be in the room. I talked to the particular customer he was moaning about and even googled the weather for her to encourage her it would be "dryish" so she could put her furniture outside. What more could I have done?

For some unknown reason this week has been really hard going, I spoke to a fellow co. worker today about a Hall Stairs and Landing we fitted on Monday that he had planned, that didn't fit. I told him he had measured 3.60 but planned it at 3.30 (that's linear metres) "oh" was his reply "That plan drew out really well" IT MAY HAVE DRAWN OUT WELL BUT IT DIDN'T FIT.Where's the logic in that? The same fellow co. worker (idiot?) has wandered around all day today telling me he just can't get his head around his work, it's just too much for him, he has to think about too many things at once. This fellow co. worker (idiot?) always winds me right up bigging himself up, telling any one who will listen how clever he is, and what an important job he has. I whish he would make up his mind, because if he was half as clever as he says he is, then it should be no problem. This same fellow co. worker (idiot?) always takes great pride in telling anyone who will listen about his grammar school education, he doesn't tell any of them he didn't take or pass one single exam. When I first started working with this fellow co. worker (idiot?) he still went out occasionally and did a bit of manual work. And on one occasion an installation required a bit of plumbing work "no problem" says he "I used to do plumbing I was really good at it," and so he began. When he came to put two pieces of pipe together they did not fit, did he confess he had made an error and cut the pipe short NO he told two grown men working with him "The pipe has shrunk" we still laugh at his bull***t and he still thinks he's good at plumbing.

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