Wednesday 5 August 2009

Busy busy busy

I have not blogged for a few days because it's been busy busy busy.

We must be doing something right here because taking in to account the way the retail economy is we are doing quite well and I can tell you now it's a nice feeling.

I am forced to wonder though, why do cusomers all come in at once? I used to have the theory that when people walked by and saw someone looking around it enticed them in to have a look, but now we are situated off the high street I don't think that theory works, but it still happens, you can sit for ages with no one and then all of a sudden you get three different customers with three different requests all at the same time.

I didn't work last Saturday, it was the turn of one of my fellow co. workers (idiot?) and on Monday he was the most miserable person on this earth, so I avoided him for a couple of hours and then enquired as to what was ailing his dispositon. It was then he told me that he had been too busy on Saturdays shift so he had been unable to do all the things he had planned to do, AND he hadn't even had time for his usual cup of tea. Now don't you feel sorry for the poor guy? or would you feel more sorry for him if he was out of a job and signing on?

We are having another outbreak of illness and injury this week and that's not helping either.
Some of my fellow co. workers are suffering from some sort of horrible bug that is rendering them helpless for a day or two (when I say helpless I mean more helpless than usual) people who know me that follow my blog will know that I am married to a fellow co. worker (idiot?) and he has been rendered helpless for a day and a half with the dreaded bug, I have entertained all my other fellow co. workers with impressions of him when he is ill. At the height of the lurgy bug he needed to take paracetamol during the night so he woke me up and I handed him the tablets only to be told "I don't have the strength to get them out of the packet" what can you say to that? well I can tell you nothing that is printable. Not only did he wake me up every four hours during the night he nudged my at about 6.30 to make sure I was awake so I would be up in time to open the shop, and then when he felt better at about 4.00 in the afternoon he phoned up and started flinging orders from his sick bed!
Another fellow co. worker (idiot) has injured his finger, as I write this he is visiting his second favourite place in the whole world CASUALTY his first favourite place is the doctors surgery. he tells me his finger is broken I am willing to bet next month wages it's only bruised. I will keep you updated.

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