Friday 7 August 2009

I just knew

As I promisesd yesterday this is an update on the "broken finger" Aha I knew I was right it's only bruised (thank god I don't owe any one next months wages I need that to buy chocolate to help me deal with the "idiots?" the finger was hurting so much because the "idiot" had put a plaster on it and he had put it on so tight it was stopping the blood flow.

Today he has overslept "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" Why would you need calling up so you are ready for work when you are 63 years old? My body wakes me up in time ready for work every day even Sundays and I haven't been doing it as long as he has. I will file "my wife was being awkward and she didn't call me" in the same filing compartment as "My wife couldn't find her umberella" Any suggestions for the title of this compartment will be gratefuly received and considered.

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