Thursday 15 October 2009

How sad am I ?

NO please don't answer this it's a rhetorical question. This is turning out to be one weird week, it's really really quiet even the phone isn't ringing that much ( it seems to be ringing mostly when I'm in the loo and obviously can't answer it I'm sure it knows when I go in there!) so this is where the sad bit comes in. I've got a delivery man who seems to be my best friend. Most days he delivers to us he comes dashing in shouting "R***** in the house" he doesn't care if we have customers or not or if we are the phone he just comes in shouting, then he sits on the chair in front of the desk and waites for his coffee (with or without biscuits or cake depending if we have any) he then carries on random conversations with any customers until his taco. break is over and usually I dread him coming. But today I will be glad of the company.

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