Saturday 24 October 2009

why would you do that?

Yesterday for some unknown reason was busy from the time we opened the door. One of those full on days that just flies by. I had organised measures for most of the morning for my fellow co. worker ("idiot?") and these were all timed to perfection. At one point in the morning he came back to the show room to pick up more sampling to show a customer, he noticed I was flat out made me cup of tea and then disappeared again this was about 11.30 at 1.30 my other fellow co. workers ("idiots?") came back for lunch and enquired where he was. I hadn't noticed what time it was but couldn't think what could be taking him so long. Not long after this in he puffed grabbed his sandwitches and sat down. "what took so long?" we all enquired "she made me measure her guttering" was his reply. I couldn't understand this as we don't sell guttering, but he informed me it would have been rude not to do this for her. I have been told that today the customer has contacted the shop to say she will not be purchasing the flooring, I wonder if she will have new guttering instead!

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