Friday 3 July 2009

fridays can be funny days

well the thunder didn't come so the idiots are still hot, but hey what the heck if we survived yesterday i'm sure we will survive today.

Today we have had the great tape measure dilemma
one of my fellow co. workers has bought a new tape measure, would I like the old one? I was asked. Well I thought it's big and blue so I should be able to find it amongst the samples, when I leave it where I shouldn't, so I accepted it. There my dilemma began. I was then told that the tape measure was replaced because it "ripped his fingers to shreds" and he was embarrassed when bleeding all over the place at the end of a measure. This posed the question, Why would I want a tape measure that was going to cut my fingers? I was then subjected to a demonstration on how the tape measure was going to cut my fingers.

Now forgive me if I am wrong, but wouldn't a normal person just replace the tape measure and throw the obviously damaged one away? The tape measure is now in the skip!

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