Wednesday 22 July 2009

Improved Karma

I can breathe a sigh of relief, some how today seems to be going better. Not a lot has changed really so it must just be how I'm dealing with things.

Positive mental attitude that must be the answer, and I'm definatley mental and always positive (that I'm right) so I've cracked it.

I had a bit of good news today, my fellow co. worker with the injured back can now walk, he can't sit down, lift or fit any carpet so it might be a while until he's any use at all, but with my new positive mental attitude I can see it's all good. Even the sun has peeped out from behind the clouds a little bit.

As they say tomorrows another day, the challenge to move the fridge freezer the size of mount everest is on again tomorrow, so my poitive mental attitude might just defrost along with the freezer!

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